Applying for a job in hotel or restaurant management requires a personable nature, attention to detail and the ability to project confidence. The letter you draft in conjunction with your job application should demonstrate that you're articulate, knowledgeable and have the ability to be engaging with customers and staff.
The opening of your letter should both introduce you and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the potential of working with the hotel or restaurant. You want to sound knowledgeable and genuine in your approach. Example:
Advertisement Article continues below this adI'm delighted to submit my application for the role of manager of the Elegant Hotel Company. My family has been a patron of this wonderful establishment for more than 30 years, and I'm enamored at the prospect of building on the legacy and reputation of a business I have such fond personal memories of.
While you should lead with and emphasize your specific experience in the hotel or restaurant management industries, other areas to focus on include customer service, employee and vendor relations and event planning. Example:
In addition to the eight years I spent managing The Fine Dining restaurant in New York City, I also have substantial experience in catering and event planning, having worked my way through college for a major convention planning company. I pride myself on providing exceptional degrees of customer service, and I place high value on creating the best possible working relationships with my staffers.
Advertisement Article continues below this adIf you have specific education, experience or training related to the industry, make note of that as well. This is especially important if the job description asks for specific skill sets.
Hotel and restaurant hospitality is all about creating a memorable experience for customers, so make sure your application letter showcases your personality. Example:
I'm a big believer in creating enjoyable experiences for every guest. It's my job to ensure every person not only has everything they want or need during their stay, I want them to feel catered to and appreciated. This attitude is something I try to weave through every element of my management role.
Advertisement Article continues below this adConclude your letter by referencing any attachments, such as resume, letters of recommendation or even industry awards you won yourself or on behalf of previous employers. Finish with a call to action, such as requesting an interview or noting some other type of next step. Example:
Attached, please find my resume, a copy of the International Hotel Association Customer Service Excellence award I received in 2016 and three letters of recommendation from past employers. If you feel I'm a good fit for this position, I'd love the chance to meet in person and learn more about this exciting opportunity.