A Tapestry of 98 Diverse Marginalized and Minority Communities in Kenya

Summary Kenya is a very diverse county with 48 tribes living in 47 counties. Within Kenya, you also have 98 communities, tribes, or groups that self-identify or are classified as either marginalized or minority communities or groups. These marginalized or minority communities or groups have over 3,573,749 people or 9.3% of the Kenyan population. Galjeel…


Kenya is a very diverse county with 48 tribes living in 47 counties. Within Kenya, you also have 98 communities, tribes, or groups that self-identify or are classified as either marginalized or minority communities or groups. These marginalized or minority communities or groups have over 3,573,749 people or 9.3% of the Kenyan population.

Galjeel Community

Galjeel is one community scattered in isiolo, tana river, and garissa and largely populated in wajir County…

List of Marginalized and Minority Communities in Kenya

The following is a list of the 98 Marginalised and Minority communities in Kenya

1ARABSTaita Taveta, Wajir40,760A Minority Group of 40, 760 (0.11%), of the populationTownship and Central
2ASIANSKilifi81,791A Minority Group of 35, 009 (0.21%), of the populationAsian Baluchi are in Old Town, (Makandara Sub Location)
3BajuniKilifi/Tana River MinorityKilifi(Malindi Town, Gongoni, Ngomeni, Watamu, Kilifi Township, Takaungu, Mtwapa), Tana River(Kipini, Bilisa (Delta))
4BarawaMombasa MinorityMombasa (Old Town, Kisauni, Likoni, Kongowea) Wajir (Township and Central
5BarngetunyElgeyo Marakwet
6BASUBAMigori139,271As per NCEC this Minority Group has 139,271 (0.36%) of the population
7Bong’omekBungoma, Trans Nzoia
8BoniLamu Minority and MarginalisedHindi, Witu, Pandanguo (West), Kiunga, Patte, Foza, Basuba(East)
9BORANAWajir161,399As per NCEC this is a Minority Group of,161399(0.42%), of the populationTownship, Central, and Buna
10BurjiMarsabit23,735As per NCEC this Minority Group of 23, 735 (0.06%), of the populationDakabaricha, Mountain, Nagayo, Badass(Central) Manyatta, township (Moyale)
11Corner Tribes (Shegal, Warabey, Gabaweih, Sharmuge, Shabelle, Leisah, Marehan, Hawadhi, Ashraaf)MANDERA Minority and MarginalisedBulla Jamhuria, Central, Bulla Mpya, Barwaqo, Township, Kamor, BPI, Neboi, Shafshafay, Garbaqolley, Hare Hosley, Fiko, Karo, Bulla Haji, Bur Abor, Bella, Gingo, Khalalio, Gaudiya
12DASENACH/DaasanachMarsabit12,530A Minority Group of,12530(0.03%), of the populationIlleret (North Hoor)
13DegodiaMANDERA MarginalizedCentral, Barwaqo, Mandera North.
14DigoMombasa MarginalizedLikoni
15DurumaMombasa MarginalizedMiritini Njomvu
16ElmoloMarsabit Minority and MarginalisedLoiyangalani, El Molo Bay(Loiyangalani),Marsabit township
17EMBU 324,092A Minority Group of 324, 092 (0.84%), of the population
18EndoroisBaringo, Laikipia
19GABRAISIOLO89,515A Minority Group of,89515(0.23%), of the populationKambi Juu, Merti, Bulesa, Bisan, Bihiko, Chari, Kon
20GALJEELWajir7,553A Minority Group of 7553 (0.02%), of the population
21GALLA 8,146A Minority Group of 8, 146(0.02%), of the population
23GarreMarsabit/Wajir MinorityMarsabit and Wajir (Hodhan, Central and Bute)
24GiriamaTana River/Lamu Minority in Both Tana River and LamuTana River (Wachuoda, Kilelengwani (Delta)) Lamu (Witu, Didewaride, Hindi, Mapenya, Mpeketoni, Langoni,Hongwe, Mkomani, Shella, Matondoni (West)
25GOSHA 21,864A Minority Group of 21,864 (0.06%) of the population
27HartiWajir MinorityTownship and Central
28ILCHAMUSBaringo27,288Marginalized/Minority community as per NCEC of 27,288 (0.07%) of the population
30IndianMERU/Mombasa/Kwale MERU (Anjuki, Kianjai, Meru Municipality, Taita Location) Mombasa (Mombasa (Old Town, Tononoka Kwale (Kinango Location)) Kwale (Kwale (Kinango Location)
31Indians-BadalaMombasa MinorityTudor, Old Town
32ISAAK/IssakWajir3,160A Minority Group of,3160(0.01%), of the populationTownship and Central
34Kachike, LichamusBaringo
35Kap ChebororwaElgeyo Marakwet
36KasighauTaita Taveta
37KifundiKwale Minority and MarginalisedPongwe-Kidimu, Shirazi
38KiptaniElgeyo Marakwet
39KONSOMarsabit1,758Minority and Marginalised Group of 1,758 (0%) of the populationDakabaricha, Nagayo, Mountain, Jirime,sagante (Central), Hurri Hills (North), Rawana (Sololo),Moyale township
40KonyTrans Nzoia
41KURIAMigori260,401According to NCEC Kuria is Nationally a Minority Group of 260401(0.67%) of the population and Marginalised Group in Nairobi.
42Lesan/LEYSANisiolo, Mandera, Wajir5,941A Minority Group of,5941(0.02%), of the populationIsiolo (Garbatulla, Modogashe, Kambi Garba, Sericho)
43LkunonoMarsabit, Samburu
44MakondeMombasa/Kwale Minority and MarginalisedMombasa (Likoni, Bamburi, Mtongwe) Kwale (Msambweni,Kidimu-pongwe Kigwende-Shirazi,Kinondo,Diani
45Malakote/ waliwanaTana River MinorityChewele,Madogo,Nanighi, Bura, Maroro (North), Bilisa,Danisa (Delta), Kia Rukungu, Karkocha (Galole)
46MASAINarok/Kajiado/Isiola/Wajir/Laikipia841,622According to NCEC Maasai is a Minority Group in Kenya of 841622 (2.18%) of the population and also a marginalized community. Maasai’s are marginalized in Maasai Laikipia(Ndorobo) ISIOLO (Leparua, Lengwesi) Wajir (Township and Central
47MBEERE 168,155A Minority Group of,168155(0.44%), of the population
48Munyoyaya/Munyo YayyaTana River MinorityMadogo/Maroro, Sala, Bura, Asako, (North), Chewani, Zubake,Karkache, Kia Rukungu, Ngombeni (Galole), Bilisa (Delta)
49MuruleWajir Minority and MarginalisedTownship and Central
51NJEMPS 5,228A Marginalised/Minority community as per NCEC of,5228(0.01%), of the population
52NubianMombasa Minority and MarginalisedMajengo,Kingorani, Bamburi
53Nubian/AreraISIOLO MinorityKambi Garba, Tullu Roba
54Nubian/NubianNairobi, Baringo, Kericho15,463A Marginalised/Minority community as per NCEC.of,15463(0.04%), of the population
55NubiansKwale Minority and MarginalisedMazeras
56Nyoka-PareTaita Taveta
57OgiekBaringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Narok, Uasin Gishu
58OrmaMombasa/Lamu66,275Mombasa (Bamburi) Lamu (Witu, Didewaride, Langoni, Mkomani, Baharini, Matondoni,Mkunumbi, Makowe(West)Bamburi
59PareTaita Taveta
60PembaKilifi, Kwale, Mombasa.
61PokomoLamu Minority and MarginalisedWitu, Hindi, Mkomani, Langoni (West), Patte (East)
62RabaiMombasa MarginalizedMiritini
63RENDILE 60,437A Marginalised/Minority community as per NCEC of,60437(0.16%), of the population
64SagalaTaita Taveta
65SakuyeMarsabit26,784Marginalized/Minority community as per NCEC of,26784(0.07%), of the populationDabel, Township, Sololo-mkutano (Moyale), Turbi (Marsabit North), Sagante, Nagayo, Quilta Korma, Mountain(Central)
66SAMBURU 237,179A Minority Group of,237179(0.61%), of the population
67SanyeLamu Minority and MarginalisedMapenya. Ndambwe, Mkunumbi, Witu, Hindi, Baharini(West), Foza, Patte, Siu (East)
71SidamMarsabit MinorityBadasa,Majengo,Shauri yako,Dakabaricha
72SomaliKilifi/Tana River/Lamu/Kwale A majority group in Kenya but a Minority group in 4 countiesKilifi/Tana River (Kilifi (Malindi, Kilifi, Mtwapa) Tana River (Boka, Kamaguru, Bangili, Chavidende, Bura, Hirimani,Wanigi, Chewele (North), Chifiri, Woldena, Zubaki,Makere (Galole), MinjilaChara, Kipini, Mwina (Delta)) Lamu/Kwale (Lamu (Kiunga (East), Mkomani, Witu, Pandanguo, Baharini (West)) Kwale (Mackinnon Road
73SWAHILI 110,614Marginalized/Minority community as per NCEC of,110614(0.29%), of the population
74TAITA 273,519A Minority Group of,273519(0.71%), of the population
76TAVETA 20,828Marginalized/Minority community as per NCEC of 208,28 (0.05%), of the population
77TerikNandi, Vihiga
78TESO 338,833A Minority Group of,338833(0.88%), of the population
79THARAKATharaka-Nithi175,905A Minority Group of,175905(0.46%), of the population
80TswakansKwale Minority and MarginalisedPongwe-Kidimu
81TurkanaMarsabit Minority and MarginalisedJirime, Karare, Nagayo, Dakabaricha, Loiyangalani, Karatina,Karare Schemes (Central), South Horr
82WAATKilifi, Kwale, Marsabit, Taita Taveta, Tana river6,900A Minority Group of,6900(0.02%), of the population
83WALWANA 16,803Marginalized/Minority community as per NCEC of 16,803 (0.04%), of the population
84WanomvuMombasa MinorityMiritini, Mikindani, Bamburi,Changamwe
85WapembaKwale Minority and MarginalisedVanga, Pongwe-Kidimu
86WattaKwale/Kilifi/Tana River/Lamu/MANDERA/Marsabit/Isiolo Minority and Marginalised in 8 CountiesKwale/Kilifi (Kwale (Mackinnon-road, Kilibasi) Kilifi (Adu, Chamari, Mitangale, All Over, Tsalasini, Tezo) Tana River/Lamu (Tana River (Sala (North), Mikinduni, Chewani, Kia Rukungu (Galole),Bilisa, Wachuodha (Delta),Chewele,Danisa,Chewator) Lamu (Witu (West), Dide Waride,Waradhe,Seti.
“MANDERA (Central, Kamor, Barwaqo) Marsabit/Isiolo (North Hoor, Malabot, Dukana,(North Hoor),
Maikona, Kalacha,Hurri Hills, Turbi (North),
Darib Gomba, Sagante, Quilta,Dakabaricha,
Mountain, Jirime, Nagayo (Saku), Butiye
Sololo,Makutano (Moyale),Somare,Uran Odha.
ISIOLO (Garba Tulla, Sericho, Endera, Chari)”
87WavumbaKwale Minority and MarginalisedKasini, Vanga
88YaakuLaikipia Minority and Marginalised
Total Population 3,573,7499.3 % of the Population

Definition of Special Interest Groups (SIG) or Marginalised and Minority Communities found in Kenya,

The Constitution of Kenya 2010, Under Article 260, Constitution provides an understanding of the marginalized, indigenous, and minorities as follows;
“Marginalized community” means—

  1. A community that, because of its relatively small population or for any other reason, has been unable to fully participate in the integrated social and economic life of Kenya as a whole;
  2. A traditional community that, out of a need or desire to preserve its unique culture and identity from assimilation has remained outside the integrated social and economic life of Kenya as a whole;
  3. An indigenous community that has retained and maintained a traditional lifestyle livelihood based on a hunter or gatherer economy; or Pastoral persons and communities, whether they are—
    1. Nomadic; or
    2. a settled community that, because of its relative geographic isolation, has experienced only marginal participation in the integrated social and economic life of Kenya as a whole;

    Minorities under international law

    Adopted by consensus in 1992, the United Nations Minorities Declaration in its article 1 refers to minorities as based on national or ethnic, cultural, religious, and linguistic identity, and provides that States should protect their existence. According to a definition offered in 1977 by Francesco Capotorti, Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, a minority is