After months of pushing back, India is set to update its 2030 climate targets under the Paris Agreement. India is considering cutting down almost by half the amount of greenhouse gases produced for every dollar of economic activity by the end of the decade.
India’s updated nationally determined contributions or NDCs, as commitments by countries under the Paris Agreement are referred to, could include a commitment to reduce the emissions intensity of the economy by at least 46 to 48 per cent from its 2005 levels. Building on its enhanced renewable energy target of 450GW, India could pledge to increase the share of non-fossil fuel sources in its energy generation capacity to at least 60 per cent, with the possibility of raising it to 65 per cent, by 2030. With less than two weeks to the Glasgow meet, inter-ministerial consultations are on to finalise the details.
India missed the October 12 deadline set by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change for countries to submit their updated climate plans. India is considering announcing its updated NDCs at Glasgow. “It could be part of the Prime Minister’s intervention at the Leaders’ Summit at COP26,” said a senior official.
India, according to sources familiar with the discussions, will keep to the same pattern as the 2015 submission—an economy wide target and two sectoral goals. The 2015 NDC comprised eight goals; three of these had quantitative targets for a ten-year time frame. India committed to increase the share of non-fossil fuel sources to 40 percent of the power generation capacity and reduce the emissions intensity of the economy by 33 to 35 per cent compared to 2005 levels. The third component was the creation of additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
“There is a discussion underway on whether to include more details in the form of sub-goals for the targets in the NDC,” said a senior government official.
These sub-goals would reflect the range of climate actions being undertaken in critical sectors such as electricity, industry, and transport. The subgoals are likely to include sectoral targets for 2030 such as decarbonization of the Indian railways network, at least 30 per cent of all new vehicles sold to be EVs, 450 GW renewable energy capacity. It would include broader policy interventions with some targets such as the National Green Hydrogen Mission’s mandatory use by industry of 5 to 10 percent going up to 20 to 25 percent by 2030, beginning with refining and fertilizer production, and then steel. The focus of the NDC update is on the energy sector and economy-wide intensity targets. There is some talk on including the urban forests programme of greening an area of at least 20 hectares in 200 cities across the country.
Some of these targets such as the 450GW of renewable energy and green hydrogen mission have been announced by the Prime Minister at international fora. Other interventions such as the decarbonization of railways are part of domestic policy announcements like the Budget speech.
“These goals will inform quantified targets in the NDC. When the Prime Minister refers to or announces these targets at international forums, it implies a commitment by India,” said a senior government official privy to the discussions. “The sub goals give a sense of India’s ambition and actions especially if you consider developmental deficits we are working to bridge simultaneously,” said the official.
Sources said that there are those including the environment ministry who are against providing anything beyond topline targets in the NDC. They argue that subgoals represent domestic policy. “The total impact of all actions is already captured by the emissions intensity. India does not need, at this stage, to further spell out and convert all its domestic policies and targets into international commitment,” explained RR Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow at the New Delhi-based think tank TERI and former Indian negotiator.
As hosts of the 26th round of UN climate talks, the UK would like to lock in global commitment to restrict temperature increase to 1.5C. Ensuring all countries, particularly the major economies, to enhance their NDCs is therefore critical. India had argued against enhancing its targets arguing that countries with 10-year targets were not required to update their NDC in 2020. India said that instead of setting new targets every effort should be directed to meeting existing commitments. To this end, India highlighted independent assessments including UNEP’s Emissions Gap Report conclusion thatIndia is the only G20 member that is on track to meet its 2015 NDC targets and India would overachieve.
The UK and other countries called on India to reflect its current and proposed climate action in its NDC. In August, COP26 President Alok Sharma made a second visit to India: “I would request India to consider any revised more ambitious NDC that takes into account the overachievement that is being delivered and also of course the incredibly ambitious plans of 450GW of renewables. A similar suggestion was offered by US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, who was in India in early September.
Many experts argue that an updated NDC based on overachieving the 2015 targets and 450GW of renewable energy capacity is not ambitious enough for India. The updated Climate Action Tracker rates India’s current climate efforts as “highly insufficient”.
However, assessment of ambition is not just about higher climate targets. It must be understood in the context of the global goal of restricting temperature increase to “well below 2°C” and “pursuing best efforts to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C”. Ambition must be linked with each country’s fair share of the effort required to collectively meet this global goal.
A recent study of national fair share in reducing greenhouse gas emission finds that India is the only G20 country whose emissions in 2030 can be higher than its current level and still be within its fair share range. The study authored by experts from the University of Oxford, New Climate Institute, and Climate Analytics concludes that “to reach the Paris Agreement temperature goal, global emissions in 2030 would need to be well below 2010 levels, so only a few select states can temporarily increase their emissions, as such increases would need to be compensated by others.”
India is on track to exceed the 2030 targets for reduction of emission intensity and share of non-fossil fuel based electricity generating capacity set in its current NDC.
In July, non-fossil fuel sources accounted for 38.5 per cent of generating capacity. Power Minister RK Singh said, “We will achieve the 40 per cent target at the latest by 2023”. Renewable energy capacity, excluding large hydro, crossed the 100GW in August. With another 50 GW under installation and 27 GW under tendering, India is likely to be in striking distance of its goal of 175GW by 2022 goal.
“India’s domestic target of 450GW renewable energy means that in less than 10 years, renewable energy will account of for 57 per cent of the country’s installed capacity, and 40 per cent of the generated electricity. This is much more ambitious than India’s current NDC under the Paris Agreement,” said Ulka Kelkar, Director, Climate Program, World Resources Institute India.
“Our study shows that if the government continues with its current policies, focuses on meeting developmental goals by 2030 (even if they do not take additional efforts to address sustainability or move to low carbon developments), it would result in an increase in share of non-fossil fuel capacity to 57 per cent, mainly due to the declining costs of renewables,” said Jai Asundi, Executive Director of the Bengaluru-based think tank Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy.
Experts say that by 2030 non-fossil fuel capacity could be as much as 65 percent.
Increased share of renewable energy could further decouple emissions from the economy. “The 450 GW renewable energy target implies that India's GHG emissions intensity of GDP would decline by at least 50 per cent between 2005 and 2030,” Vaibhav Chaturvedi, Fellow at the Council on Energy, Environment, and Water, a Delhi-based think tank. Adding that “a big uncertainty is the growth rate of the manufacturing sector that could dampen the emission intensity decline rate significantly.”
India has registered an average annual improvement of 2 per cent in its emissions intensity according to the Australia-based think tank Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. In its third biennial update submitted to the UN climate secretariat in February, India reported that emissions intensity in 2016 was 24 per cent below 2005 levels.
Analysts say there has been further decline in emissions intensity despite economic slowdown that was exacerbated by the pandemic. Asundi explained, “Even though the growth was slower and lower, the amount of GHG gases produced for every dollar of GDP reduced. The decoupling of emissions and growth was driven by schemes like Ujala for household lighting, PAT for industry, efficient street lighting for cities, solar pumps for farms. These interventions would have been adopted irrespective of the state of the economy.”
The overachievement in these two targets is in stark contrast to India’s target for creating additional carbon sinks. India’s progress on creating additional carbon sinks has been slowed down partly due to the government’s post-Covid-19 recovery plan that included opening the coal mining sector for private players and allocation of mines in dense forest areas. “This is certainly not consistent with NDC where India committed to increase its forest and tree cover to create an additional carbon sink of 2.5-3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent,” said Jennifer Morgan, Executive Director, Greenpeace International.
According to the India State of the Forest Report, between 2017 and 2019, forest carbon stock in the country increased by 42.6 million tonnes; the annual increase of carbon stock is estimated at 21.3 million tonnes which is 78.1 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent. For the preceding two-year period, 2015 to 2017, the ISFR reported an increase of 39 million tonnes of forest carbon stock-- the annual increase of carbon stock is estimated at 19.5 million tonnes which is 71.5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
The slow progress on creating additional carbon sinks is cause for concern. Not just because additional sinks are critical to address the unavoidable rise in emissions that India is expected to register but also in a larger global context. “This is especially important as it becomes evident that the commitments made by developed countries under the Paris agreement are thus far insufficient to meet the 2°C temperature rise goal, let alone the more ambitious targets of the 1.5°C goal scientist says we should aim for,” said Morgan.
However, India is unlikely to be raising its forestry targets appreciably. “At this time, India should not consider increasing its forestry and carbon sinks target in the NDC. The current target itself is quite steep and difficult to achieve in the targeted timeframe,” sad Jagdish Kishwan, independent expert and researcher, and former Indian climate negotiator on forestry-related issues.
According to sources, for its updated NDC, India would likely add some elements to the carbon sink target such as creation of urban forests, restoration of degraded land. “This would be more in the nature of detailing rather than a higher target.” Kishwan said, “India could consider reviewing and updating the forestry element in 2023 after the global stock take depending on the progress achieved till then.”
Targets like those under consideration “capture and take credit for the ongoing efforts and the direction of travel,” said David Waskow, Director, International Climate Initiative at World Resources Institute, a Washington DC based international think tank.
There “is clearly running room for a significant increase in the ambition of both (share of non-fossil fuels and emissions intensity) goals in India’s revised NDC,” said Alden Meyer, E3G, Berlin-based think tank.
Meyer said that higher targets combined with a shift away from coal—not building new coal-fired power plants, retiring inefficient and non-compliant coal plants—could put India’s NDC on a track compatible with efforts to restrict temperature rise to 1.5°C.
“An emissions intensity reduction target of 46-48 per cent is not ambitious enough. India can pledge higher targets,” said Nandini Das of Climate Analytics, a Berlin-based international think tank. “According to our projections, with currently implemented policies, the share of non-fossil power generation capacity will reach 60–65 per cent in 2030. India will be able to achieve a 43-46 per cent reduction in emissions intensity,” said Das.
Projections may show the scope for higher targets however translating targets into real action on the ground may not be that easy. Achieving the 450GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030, a critical input to India’s enhanced NDC, is according to Apurba Mitra, head of climate policy at World Resources Institute India, “certainly possible but definitely won’t be a cakewalk.”
Mitra said that it will require “addressing grid stability issues by investing in flexibility and upgrading the grid are prerequisites.” Achieving the renewable target will require taking into account “allied objectives of enhancing manufacturing capacity and employment, addressing other challenges around securing the supply chain, procuring major minerals and skilling our workforce also become important.
With just about two weeks until the Glasgow climate meet, India may not be able to set the higher targets required to ensure that its NDC is keeping with the temperature goal of 1.5°C. India’s current NDC is in keeping with a 2°C temperature goal.
India’s climate targets are focused on two sectors—electricity and industry— it is logical since these sectors account for 75 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. The economy-wide target of reducing emission intensity has been achieved on twin pillars of efficiency and introduction of renewable sources in the energy mix. Higher targets will require going beyond, including a much greater level of electrification in the industrial sector, higher share of solar and wind energy and reworking of the cost of electricity. Chaturvedi said “power sector reforms are going to be critical for decarbonisation of India’s electricity generation as well as industrial energy use”.
Critical to decarbonization of the economy are reforms in the pricing of electricity and dismantling a system that relies on industry to subsidize residential use of electricity, a market design that does not penalize renewable energy, and promoting grid connected distributed energy such as grid-connected roof-top solar. “Power sector reforms are going to be critical for India’s deep decarbonisation agenda and these three elements most relevant from that decarbonization,” said Chaturvedi.
Hoping that India will play a leadership role in COP26, Morgan contextualised the call for India to show higher ambition: “In this context, it is important to remember that most developed countries are just not doing enough on their commitment and the low historic responsibility that India bears for the climate breakdown."