Solid Waste

Updated Solid Waste Regulations were promulgated on November 20, 2011. The rule was published with the incorrect effective date. An Emergency Rule was adopted on November 21, 2011 changing the effective date of the rule from October 20, 2011 to November 20, 2011, its actual date of publication.

Solid Waste Permit Applications
NOTE: All applications that are hand-delivered to LDEQ must be submitted to the Public Participation and Permit Support Division.

Pre-application requirements: For all NEW facilities, before submitting the initial application, please ensure that the following have been completed. See LAC 33:VII.513.B, for specifics related to each of these requirements.

Modifications: An application is required for ALL submittals after 11/20/11. The facilities will be required to complete Sections 1-9 (or Sections 1-8 for Waste Tires) of the application and then only the portions of the application that relate to the modification; it is not necessary to submit the entire application. We also request that you do not submit blank tabs for attachment that are N/A. It is only necessary to submit the attachments required by the modification. Please note, if the application does not have a place that clearly depicts your requested modification, an attachment can be added to the application that describes the facility’s modification by filling in the blanks left for additional attachments at the end of the checklist. Please submit all major mods in a 3-ring binder or as loose pages, so that replacement pages may be added at a later date if necessary.

For permits that are technically complete and/or issued prior to 11/19/2011, the modification, once approved, will become part of the facility’s permit.

NOTE: If the permit has more than one facility type, please include any sections for each facility type that are not included in the permit application you submit. For example, if you have a Type I/II Landfill and a Type II Surface Impoundment, then submit the Type I/II Landfill Application and included any applicable sections of the Type I/II Surface Impoundment Application that are not included in the Type I/II Landfill Application.

All the above applications are downloadable within the Solid Waste Resources page on this site.

State Fire Marshal/DEQ Joint Guidance Document for Emergency Response Plans

Annual Report Forms

Certification of Compliance (CoC) (Note: Annual Report required for permitted solid waste facilities)